Language & Learning Development News
News from our LLD Faculty
Year 7 Challenge Activity - Making a Terrarium
The LLD Challenge activity 'Making a Terrarium' involving a group of Year 7 students took place last Friday afternoon. The students reused an old fish tank to plant an indoor mini-garden and also planted their own aloe plant to take home too.
In their feedback, the students said they enjoyed learning and making the terrarium, touching the sand, gravel and compost, brushing the sand off the plants at the end, and taking a little plant home to grow.
You can see their finished project as you walk through the school allotment, by the wall. It has space for more plants so, if you are separating any succulents, please spare a couple, so we can add more variety to it.
Our D&T Technician, Mr Trimithioti will build a little roof to protect plants from the weather, but the mini-garden may need to be sheltered somewhere indoors during the Winter months.
Many thanks to our Year 7 students, Ms Keserauskaite, Ms Dominique and Ms Barbier for donating the plants, Ms West, our Art Technician for the beautiful sand, and to other staff who supported our little project in other ways.
Ms Gerdellja and Ms Keserauskaite
LLD Faculty
LLD Challenge Wooden Box Activity
This week’s activity involved eight pupils. They decorated wooden boxes using different materials and applying different techniques. The pupils said they enjoyed the activity, and their boxes are displayed at the school front entrance.
Many thanks to everyone who has supported with activities and materials.
Ms Gerdellja and Ms Keseraskaite-Ratti
Language and Learning Development (LLD) Challenge Activities
Many students have taken part in ‘Challenge Activities’ run by the LLD Faculty. They have enjoyed designing different things like pie charts, shoes and jars for a mini-garden project. The girls had a lot of fun decorating their work, coming up with new ideas and supporting each other.
‘Challenge Activities’ have been a great way for the girls to have fun and spend time with their friends.
Homework Club
The homework club run by the LLD Faculty is very popular. The girls complete tasks and homework given at school in a safe and supportive environment with access to iPads and other technology. They are supervised by staff who help students with their work. Students work in groups and pairs but also independently. The club takes place every lunch time and many students attend on a regular basis. We encourage our students to use different resources including books and computers, in order to support their learning and improve their revision techniques. Homework club is a great way of strengthening our students’ learning.
Ms Herescu
Bath Bombs Activity
A group of Year 7 students took part in a ‘Making Bath Bombs’ activity organised by the Language and Learning Department.
They learned how to make ‘bath bombs’ using skin loving ingredients like Epsom salts and lavender oil, applying team working skills including: following instructions on a recipe, measuring ingredients, guessing and deciding when the mixture may be ready to be assembled and, finally, moulding them.
It turned out it was not as easy to make them as they thought at the beginning. The feedback shows they enjoyed the activity, which some found a bit messy and others found fun.
Here are some comments from the girls:
I liked mixing the food dyes to make the colours.
We had to be accurate in measuring to make the bath bombs.
We had to work as a team.