Eat or Heat

Eat or Heat Food Drive
At this time of year, we know that many families in our community can struggle - often making difficult decisions on whether they can afford to buy food for their families or heat their home.
To help support families in our local community, we'll be running a Food Drive between Monday, 22nd November and Monday, 13th December.
Each form group will have their own collection point in their form room, and everyone is encouraged to bring in what they can to donate. Prizes will be awarded for the top form in each year group which collects the highest number of donated items!
We encourage everyone to donate as generously as they can to help support families in our local community. We look forward to celebrating how generous the WSFG community can be!
Additional food items include:-pre-packed Christmas treats (sweets, biscuits, Christmas pudding, cakes, etc.)
Ms R Schaber
Associate Assistant Headteacher