Return visit to the Royal Veterinary College

Year 10 students explore opportunities at the RVC
On 18th May another group of Year 10 students visited the Royal Veterinary College.
Here is some feedback from three of the participants:
The trip to the RVC was very educational. We learnt about different jobs in veterinary sciences, the courses they offer and how the students find it studying at the university. As well as this we got meet baby cows and ponies and learn about them and their adaptations and explore their museum. Overall, I had a lovely time and would recommend it to anyone interested in science or having a job in that sector.
Nkeonye O 10H
I really enjoyed the trip to the RVC, it was a unique experience as we got to see and touch live animals while learning about their digestive systems. My favourite part was going to the cool animal anatomy museum in the college where there were many different types of animal specimens, however, there was a monkey embryo on display that looked like a human embryo which I found scary. The ambassador said that the embryo was from London Zoo and the mother died while her baby (the embryo) was still in her. I found that sad but the purpose for specimens like the embryo are for the student's study and research.
Personally, I thought this trip was very informative and beneficial, especially for people who want to or are thinking of pursuing a career in the veterinary field.
Nusaybah M 10H
The RVC trip brought a new perspective into a potential option for the future. This trip benefited me by further engaging into my interests but also giving a taster session into what it truly would be like to pursue this passion one day. It was enjoyable to meet the animals and also take a quick look into the anatomy of animals - taking a look at the bone museum too. It's a wonderful opportunity to ask questions and learn more about the college experience.
Zahra M 10C
Students who are considering a career working with animals would benefit from having a look at this site as there are lots of exciting opportunities, all organised by the RVC (ranked the top university to study Veterinary Science in the UK and Europe):