Year 7 Interform on 8-Feb-2023

Written by Rose H 7C
Today (8-Feb-2023) in interform, we were doing netball. When it was our turn to go outside, we were all so excited. First we played 7S, and it was a great match, and I was really proud of my form at the end- we won 4-0!
Then we went back inside the hall and watched some more netball matches. We watched 7W play some matches- and win a lot of them.
Although I didn't get to see my friends win and do their celebration dance, they showed me the dance at the end, and I was so surprised by it. My form really impressed me, and I am proud to say that I am form rep for 7C.
What I enjoyed the most was the sense of togetherness we all had at the end of interform. What I mean by this is that when Miss Wood was reading out the scores of the winners, no matter who won, everyone cheered for them. When 7W got first place, everyone else cheered, no one got upset, we were all happy and proud of our peers.
In my opinion, all the forms did really well, but in the end, 7W got a well- deserved first place.