Origami Club - Fractals

Origami Club on Thursday, 11th May 2023.
On Thursday 11th May, we had an Origami Club with a difference.
The members of the club were invited to try out some resources created by mathematician, Dr Katie Steckles. The activity involved paper, scissors and sellotape (unlike traditional origami)
They needed to give feedback before Dr Steckles uses the activity at the Cheltenham Science Festival.
The session went well and the participants had the following to say about it:
It was fun
It was creative
It was challenging
The process was achievable, and the outcome looks cool
It was interesting. I like how it looks
I enjoyed learning about fractals
They recommended it for Year 5 and upwards and are interested to see the results from the festival.
Thank you to the students who contributed.
Here are some photos of their creations
Ms Robinson