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Walthamstow School for Girls

Year 9 Trip to the University of Cambridge

Year 9 Trip to Cambridge on 4th July 2023

On 4th July, 12 students from Year 9 had the opportunity to visit Gonville and Caius College at the University of Cambridge. After a talk by Gwyneth Hamand, the London Outreach Officer, several Cambridge students spoke about their experiences, including the interview process. 

The importance of Super-Curricular activities was emphasized.  These are activities that take your subject beyond what you have learnt at school. They are different to Extra-Curricular activities, which are activities outside of the curriculum. 

Here are some examples of Super Curricular activities: 

  • Reading widely beyond the syllabus 
  • Starting a blog about your subject 
  • Tweeting about your subject, and following others who do the same 
  • Listening to subject-related podcasts 
  • Joining a society or club dedicated to your subject 
  • Visiting museums and galleries 

Following this, there was a guided tour, followed by lunch in a grand dining hall. 
