WSFG continues to be an Ofsted Outstanding School

WSfG’s Ofsted inspection took place on the 3rd and 4th of December. It is with great pleasure that I am now able to share the report with you.
Because this was a section 8 inspection, inspectors were looking to see whether leaders have maintained standards since the previous inspection when the school was graded Outstanding. I am delighted to tell you that inspectors found that leaders have maintained standards and that the school remains Outstanding.
I am even more delighted by the content of the report and I know that parents, students and staff will be proud that WSFG and our community is described in such glowing terms as ‘exceptional... highly aspirational... a culture where all are valued... excellent... skillful... ambitious... impressive... high-quality.’
We are very proud that our high standards have been recognised by Ofsted and we will continue to systematically evaluate the effectiveness of the education we provide for our community because it is exactly what you and your daughters deserve.
Please see our Ofsted page for more details.