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Walthamstow School for Girls


Admission Arrangements

All admissions to Year 7 at the start of the academic year are administered by the Education Department.  Please see details in the publication “Starting Secondary School 2023 ”.  The Local Authority maintains waiting lists for Year 7 until the end of September of the year of entry.

Information on secondary schools in Waltham Forest can be found here
Further information on admissions can be found here
Information on in-year admissions can be found here

Admissions Limit

Number on school roll: 180

Charging Policy

Charges are made where trips or visits take place predominantly outside normal school hours, and for individual music tuition. Parents are asked to contribute towards trips that take place predominantly during school hours. Parents are usually asked to contribute towards or provide for ingredients and materials in practical subjects where pupils own the end product.

The school will charge for the cost of replacement of school equipment where damage has been caused by pupil misbehaviour.

Entry for examinations will be free of charge for students who have followed the course in school. Failure to complete the examination requirements will result in parents being asked to meet the cost of the examination.

The complete charging policy is available on request.


Walthamstow School for Girls works hard to ensure that all students are offered a quality education.  However, if a parent/carer feels that a situation has arisen that they are unhappy about they have the right to make a complaint.

If a parent wishes to discuss a concern about an individual subject in the curriculum they are welcome to make an appointment to see the relevant Head of Faculty.


If a parent wishes to discuss a concern of a general/pastoral issue they should make an appointment to see the relevant Student Progress Leader.

The School Day:

Under normal circumstances, our school day follows the timings set out below.   

Please ensure that your daughter arrives at school by the required time. 

8.45 Registration
9.10 Lesson 1
10.10 Lesson 2
11.10 Break
11.30 Lesson 3
12.30 Lunch
13.30 Lesson 4
14.30 Lesson 5
15.30 End of School

The school reserves the right to, when necessary, keep a student for a period of 10 minutes after the end of the school day without prior notice, for example if the student arrived late to school that morning. Twenty-four hours notice will always be given for detentions lasting longer than 10 minutes.

Registration is a compulsory part of the school day and non-attendance will be followed up by SPLs, as with non-attendance to lessons. 
