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Walthamstow School for Girls

Our Governing Body

The Governing Body (GB) of Walthamstow School for Girls (WSFG) brings together a diverse range of people with varied skills and experience from stakeholder groups within the school and from the wider community.  Our role is focused on ensuring high standards of achievement for all girls who attend the school by:

  • Setting the school’s vision, ethos and strategic direction
  • Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its students
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent

We have a strategic role in the development of the school, but we are not involved in the day-to-day management of the school, that is the role of the Headteacher and her leadership team.

How are Governors appointed?

  • Staff Governors are elected by the staff of the school
  • Parent Governors are elected by parents/carers of students on roll
  • Co-opted Governors are elected by the Governing Body
  • Local Authority Governor is proposed by the Local Authority for election by the Governing Body

A Governor’s term of office is four years (except the Headteacher) after which time they may stand for re-election provided they are eligible.

What we do

Governors monitor the running of the school, decide long-term policy and ensure that the school complies with legal requirements.  Specifically, our role as Governors includes:

  • As part of the Governing Body, providing guidance to the school, ensuring legal, financial and other requirements are met
  • Being accountable for those responsibilities held by the Governing Body
  • Attending full Governing Body meetings (five times per year)
  • Serving on at least one committee (Curriculum, Staffing, Finances/Premises) which meet once per term
  • Getting to know all aspects of the school well, enabling us to challenge and support the leadership of the school effectively
  • Being a link person to a Faculty (e.g. English, Maths, Science) or specific area of educational focus (SEND, Pupil Premium, Safeguarding, Health & Safety)
  • Ensuring all students reach their full potential and leave with transferable skills
  • Supporting the school in other ways - attending events such as presentation evening, open evening, concerts and productions

Being accountable

As a Governing Body, we aim to be open, transparent and accountable.  Should you be interested in knowing more about our role and/or perhaps becoming a Governor yourself, or if there is anything you think Governors should look at in more detail, please contact our current Chair, Andrea Corbett, via the School Office or email:

Dates of all meetings and minutes of Full Governing Body meetings are available on the "Governing Body Meetings & Minutes" page here

Copies of minutes from full Governing Body meetings in previous years are available on request from the school.
