Student Well-being
Here is a booklet full of information that we hope will help our students and parents/carers during this uncertain time ...
A Guide to Living with Worry and Anxiety Amidst Global Uncertainty
Mental Health and Wellbeing Support
I hope this message finds you well and safe. Last lockdown we sent our school community a help pack from the Anna Freud Centre and since we have started our 4th week of remote learning, we wanted to reach out and send some support again.
Please see below two links to articles detailing support and self-care for parents and carers, as well as a social media guide to help ensure social media is a helpful, rather than damaging tool for children.
Violence Against Women and Girls Project (VAWG)
Dear Parents and Carers
WSFG is working in partnership with various organisations in the Borough to raise awareness of violence against women and girls in Waltham Forest.
As a girl's school, we are a hub for young women to learn about this external challenge that can affect the well being of all. This project is aimed at Years 8-10 in particular.
The main focus of the project is building support in preventing and offering early help in relation to VAWG.
WSFG is one of a few secondary schools in Waltham Forest to embrace this whole school approach to this issue.
Want to know more?
Come along to a short Parent / Carer meeting on Tuesday 12th February at 6.30 - 7.30pm in the Hewett Hall @WSFG.
This is you chance to hear more about this exciting project and to ask any questions you may have.
Parents / Carers from any Year Group are welcome.
We hope to see you there.