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Walthamstow School for Girls

Support our WSfG Careers Education

We run several events over the academic year. If you are able to volunteer or support one or more of our events, please contact us at 

Here is an overview of our events: 

Year 11 Professional Interview Day – February 

All of Year 11 (180 students) are offered a mock interview with a volunteer on-site. Volunteers are provided with a pack of questions and feedback sheets and get to enjoy a WSfG school lunch! 

Year 9 What’s My Line? - March 

A ‘yes/no’ only question game where Year 9 students work in groups to identify the roles of a range of women volunteers. This is one of the ways we celebrate International Women’s Day. 

Year 10 Work Experience – July  

All Year 10 students (180 students) take part in Work Experience week where they get to learn more about the World of Work and learn valuable life skills.  

Career Talks and Workshops 

We provide a range of careers talks and workshops for students. If you are able to join us for an assembly or talk, please do get in touch. 
