Academic Challenge Day at Forest School
Year 9 Students Debate with Year 10 Forest School Students
Four of our students, accompanied by Ms Rowan, had the opportunity to spend the day at Forest School. It was an activity for Year 10, but as our Year 10 students were in the midst of exams, we gave the opportunity to Year 9. A member of staff from Forest School has been in touch to say that our girls gave an outstanding performance, especially given that they were a year younger than the other participants, with Aleeza and Chahinez from 9W becoming Runners Up of the Debate. (The photo shows them being presented with gifts by Tahmer Mahmoud, the Academic Deputy Head of Forest School)
It was a fantastic experience to spend the day at Forest School. In the morning we attended History, Geography, Philosophy and Debating Skills lessons. They were all very interesting as we looked at immigration from different perspectives. This built up to the afternoon United Nations style debate.
Another highlight of the day was hearing Arifa Nasim speak about Educate 2 Eradicate. It was especially inspirational as Arifa is an ex-student of WSFG and Forest School.
Overall, the day was hugely enjoyable and it has inspired us to find out more about the United Nations. It also gave us a huge confidence boost as other participants were really surprised to hear that we were in still Year 9!
Eli and Ayjan 9F
If you are interested in finding out more or attending other United Nations Debates, follow the link below: